Petrosan Pak Eurasia
Petrosan Pak Eurasia
Khorshid Heavy Crude Oil Refinery Construction Plan
Khorshid Heavy Crude Oil Refinery Construction Plan
Sabzevar Special Economic Zone Oil Refinery
Sabzevar Special Economic Zone Oil Refinery

Petrosan Pak Eurasia Petro-Refining Oil Company

Petrosan Pak Eurasia Petro-Refining Oil Company (Private Shares) was established by the private sector in 2019 with the aim of investing in the oil, gas and petrochemical industries in order to use the strong potentials for market development and product development in the country, to provide an active presence for manufacturers. in the downstream oil industries in the short term as well as in the long term, after conducting field and expert surveys and conducting comparative studies in the region and the country, finally, among dozens of plans and projects studied, the construction of a gas condensate refinery and Iranian crude oil in the region Sabzevar economic special was approved.


Geographical Location, Capacities, Products, Reserves
Completed Stages of the Project

Completed Stages of the Project

Geographical Location

Geographical Location

Refining Capacity

Refining Capacity

Manufactured Products

Manufactured Products

Oil & Gas Reserves

Oil & Gas Reserves

Project Duration

5 Years (60 Months)
Annual Capacity
Development Plan
Per Day

Refinery Role in Region Development

With 156 billion barrels of crude oil reserves, Iran has about 10% of the world’s crude oil reserves, which has 40 oil fields, of which 27 are on land and 13 are in the sea.

Iran heavy oil refining with standard refining patterns, light and valuable products such as liquid gas, gasoline, kerosene, solvent, jet fuel and gas oil, bitumen and fuel. So that with conventional technologies, 80-85% of this type of crude oil can be extracted in the form of light and medium distillation materials.

The Board

Chair of the Board


Board Member


Chief Executive Officer & Board Member

CEO Statement

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